Monday, June 21, 2010

Yukata shopping with Moto

Hello all

So yes today I spent the day shopping with my language partner Moto.  She took me to an outlet mall near Suma and the Ocean!  I had forgotten Kobe is known as the port city for a reason!  It was pretty cloudy out today but the ocean is always a sight to see.  The water was a steel grey color matching the overcast sunless sky.  Moto told me she we were actually lucky that it didn't rain seeing as it is the rainy season.  We soon reached the outlet mall...I forget the name...but this place was HUUGE!  It was a complex of four malls basically...all selling high fashion clothes.  It was extremely expensive. was mostly window shopping until we turned the corner and found..yukatas!!!  

I tried on a few....i couldn't resist.  They were all so beautiful.  My woman was kind enough to help me put on and tie the obi (the belt)  it was an amazingly complex process...ahhh!!  It was a lot of fun though.  I so want one of my own!!

Afterwards we took a break for food.  And I was able to talk to Moto some more.  She seems like a very quiet girl...although I want to try to crack open her shell because I'm sure she s a girl who likes to have a good time...I don't know I can just tell.  Also as we left there was a woman and a performing monkey named Haku-kun. haha he was extremely talented little guy.  Jumping crazy distances and then landing in a hand stand!! 

I got back to Rokkomichi a little before 7pm and met up with chris and a few friends....we had some 花火 (hanabi) literally flower-fire.  Can you figure out what it means?  If you guessed fireworks then you are correct!!! First of all...yes they are legal seeing as there is a fireworks shop literally right across the street from our dorms and second of all yes we asked the store manager where it was allowed to set them off.  

As many of you know...I have a huuge issue with flames...and setting off these were no different...I just sat and watched for the most part.  I'm not going to lie it was kinda fun.  We had all different kinds...a bunch of sparklers and color changing flares... we also got some crazier stuff like a "roman candle" basically a long tube that shot out fireworks of different colors.  They also got one called the firebird...and another...called the vulcan.  the firebird was basically a high shooting sparkler that spread out as it went into the sky.  The vulcan....just shot a bunch of extremely bright sparklers into the sky really was intense.

It was pretty was really funny though because as we were setting off our fireworks we saw a few neighborhood kids shooting off some fireworks too...except there was one difference.  We were shooting our fireworks into the water..they...were shooting at eachother.  yes...u read it correctly.  They were each armed with roman candles and started just shooting! it was like how people play with paintball guns...except much quicker..darker...and on friken fire!!! ahh it was so dangerous. But really funny to watch.  Like they were really into it...hiding behind boulders and this one kid literally did like a james bond roll across the ground but still aiming and shooting the gun at his attacker.  it was....just wow. haha

New food of the day:
Green Tea Parfait 
This is like the first dessert i think right?  Well this was DELICIOUS.  It was green tea ice cream with mochi balls some other mochi like balls and red bean paste.  It was amaaaazing and Moto got it for me.  Arigato gozaimasss!!!!

Also since I didn't put up a food for yesterday...
SUSHI!!! haha specifically the sweet tofu on top of the Udon as well as the  octopus tentacle if youd like to count that too. haha.  The tofu was actually quite good with the Udon.  I highly recommend it! :)

yep thats this time guys.  Again thank you so much for reading! ^^


  1. ooh fireworks are illegal here poo but that looks really fun, was it scary at all? and the food seems great. green tea parfait and the roast steak from the other entry. i like the outfit in the last pic. what was that for? :)
