Monday, June 14, 2010

When It rains that just means its time for a Karaoke Night!

Hey All!

I'm sure you were all extremely upset to find that there wasn't a new post for yesterday. haha jk jk.  Well for those of you who were actually saddened I apologize and will now tell you all about it.

So as it says in the rained...ALL DAY.  yep...It was super intense rain too..well not like thunderstorms and lightning (very very frightening haha) but anyways the main part of the day was pretty much shot.  So we just took the hint and called it a rest up day.  I drew some pictures! haha some classic pencil sketches.  There was also a really cool thing that happened after the rain let up a little.  There was a brief period where there was steam rising up out of the mountains..but only in certain areas.  It literally looked like the mountain had taken a deep breath and now it was exhaling slowly.  It was one of the most beautiful things I had seen for a while.

Well the rain finally stopped...just in time for the night life to start!  So after dinner a big group of us decided to go to Karaoke!  I was a bit nervous at first since...yeah me and karaoke?  haha so when we got there...there had to be like 12-15 people.  It was a biiig group!  We ordered 飲みほうだい (nomi hodai) which is basically...ALL YOU CAN DRINK! haha yeah...they definitely exist here...and its pretty common too.  I think we scared the little Japanese man that was our server for the literally he was bringing in pitchers of beer continuously for the entire 2 hours we were there.  It was pretty funny though..the guys in our group decided that they were going to "drink the place to the ground...ahh I suppose we are all still college students afterall"

Oh and I know some of you had mentioned odd toilets...well just for you I have found one!! At the Karaoke place they have toilets that have a panel of buttons along the side...and Im also quite sure that the toilet seat was also heated! haha!

But yes after getting a few drinks karaoke suddenly became the most fun thing in the entire world! We sang a variety of Japanese and English songs...ending with my choice of Journey's Dont Stop Believing....such a great song to end on. Brought back memories of Freshman year when I went to Rehobeth with my UD buddies :)

Afterwards we returned to the dorms just before curfew (which is 12 midnight...ew right?) and we decided to continue the festivities in the lounge downstairs (the only room in the building where it is allowed to drink)  We turned on the giant TV and watched the world cup and even set up a beer pong table some how...someone even brought classic red solos! haha classy right?  It was a lot of fun and a great way to bond with the other students on the trip seeing as I've just met a lot of them on the trip.


Eki Soba!
It was basically a fried and then softened noodle dish.  Im pretty sure we actually ate at a Japanese Chinese restaurant if that makes any sense.  It was alright.  Not my favorite but def better than the Ika that I had in the past...ugh. Anyways this dish was basically a seafood and veggie mix on top of the noodles with a thick salty sauce spread over the food.  Like i was alright.

I also had a sweet tofu with Rice.  It was DELICIOUS!! I love these things!  I'll have to find out what its actually called for they look really easy to make too :)
   Yep that's all for today folks!!

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