Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bored at JFK

so we arrived slightly early...just been sitting around for about an hour nd a half or so. despite my extreme excitement for the trip....i am also just really bored rite now. haha.

i hav however taken this small break in time to gather some first impressions on the rest of my group.  we seem to be a motley bunch ranging from the fragile looking quiet kid to the jovial nd loud. nd of course most of the group r non asian so already we stand out. i cant wait to see wat it ll look like when we actually get into japan. for once they will be the minority haha.

luckily the whole security nd baggage stuff went really very quickly. sadly tho chris nd i dont hav seats next to eachother...im kinda tempted to try nd switch seats. im sure it ll work out tho..gosh twelve hours is gonna be such a long time x.x

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