Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Friends


So today was extremely exciting as we got to meet our language partners today!! Shoin University came and threw us a little lunch party in the "saloon" on the second floor.  All of the Shoin students were already there and there was an elaborate spread of all different kinds of food on two long tables in the middle of the room.  The Shoin students were asked to stand on the left and the UD kids were to the left.  As we stood nervously against either wall...thoughts of an awkward high school dance popped into my head.  The party began with the Shoin professors giving a short speech on the gratitude and hopes they had for us.  It was really very sweet.  Next we were each called up....and asked to make a short introduction for everyone...IN 日本語!! I think it was fair to say everyone began to panic a bit! haha.  I kept mine short and sweet...cause first of all I freak out when asked to do any sort of public speaking...let alone in Japanese...ahh!  (yea I randomly put a pic of Chris and max eating "tube ice cream") :)

Afterwards the Shoin student were called up and then the partner from our group was also paired.  This part was actually a lot of fun.  It was cute seeing the different pairs and seeing how well they matched...or didnt.  haha. My favorite was the Shoin student who looked like she had just come off a fashion show runway got paired up with a UD student who can be described as a white WIlliam Hung with glasses.  The UD student totally turned briiiight red when he went up too. It was....priceless. haha (srry im being mean nd judgmental...but hey cant help myself :P)  

My partner...and I am ashamed to say...I've forgotten her put it plainly...AMAZING.  She humored my bad Japanese skills and told me about Kobe and Shoin.  She is a senior now and is in the process of looking for a job. Although what she really wants to do is to travel abroad and see the world.  She had actually done a similar program to what we re doing in that she stayed at UD for a month and studied english.  Guess its the other way around now!!  haha.  Yea so she has a little bit of english under her belt which makes it infintely more amazing. haha. she promises to guide me around Kobe and show me the sights.  We're even going to go to Karaoke at some point haha.  

It was a ton of fun.  She also has an extra cell phone that she's willing to let me borrow!! yaaay!! im so happy!  Unfortunately we didnt get to hang out afterwards as she has a part time job that she had to go to.  We re going to meet up again on Monday though!  I can't wait! We re definetely going to have a great time.

Afterwards Chris, Max, and I went to revisit Sannomiya.  It was a great day...haha.  The boys decided to return to the arcade which gave me some time to go shop around.  I did stay and watch the play for a bit though.  Max started to get the hang of the touch screen card game I talked about before. Its called Tales of Vermillion.  It was actually a  really complex game...and there is a lot going on...I got super confused. haha.  Although the first time he played he accidentally put his card into the slot upside down and it got stuck and we had to call a manager to come over and help us haha.  whoops ;P  

I was able to find some cute Japanese style clothing...for pretty cheap too!  I can't wait to do even more shopping.  I looove the clothes over here.  They re so colorful and fun ti wear.  I kind of want to do shoe shopping as well. haha  As we left we noticed a myriad of different street performers ranging from an odd duo of masked interpretive dancers to a pan flute player and a singing guitarist.  It totally made me feel like I was back in the New York City subway. haha.  It was really cool though :)

Here are some tid bits for the day.  Let call it some insight into modern Japanese culture.  haha.  Ok first...I cannot stress to you how much the Japanese looove vending machines.  There are vending machines from the usual drinks of soda and water...and hot and cold coffee...and my like new favorite drink...ROAYAL MILK TEA (which is basically bubble tea without the tapioca haha) there are also machines for hot food and even ones for cigarettes and BEER! basically anyone can buy a beer at these vending machines.  

The Japanese very much frown upon all other drugs...except for alcohol and smoking tolerated.  But... definitely drinking. haha.  ahhhh and here is the long awaited picture poster child of a cigarette company...WINSTON.  That's right folks.  Take a good long look at this guy who is supposedly representing boys reading this better take the hint!! (shaven legs and super short shorts for you!) hahaa...jk jk...please Im joking.  

New Food Of the Day:

Curry Chicken Katsu!  ...thats definitely not what its actually called...but I really dont know. haha. The spiciness of the curry went very well with the sweet rice and crunchy chicken katsu.  It was a very fufilling dish!


  1. let me get this straight. You're learning Japanese IN Japan, shopping like crazy, eating what looks like absolutely delicious food...and it's all for your education? Wow Steph, I envy you to say the least haha. Sounds like you're having a blast though! I like you're blog, it lets me stalk you even when you're not here lol. Anywho, we should oovoo/skype again at some point when you have more time to talk! Although you sound like you're pretty busy everyday haha, but if you're going to be free, let me know when! Have a fun weekend!! =)

    -DavEy Crockett <---I was looking through some old yearpapers (my version on yearbooks before I bought our senior yearbook) and I found you're lovely heartfelt yearpaper signings..i believe you mentioned the word "swine" several times in those haha XP

  2. ...when are you going to try the real stuff SUSHI, SASHIMI??

  3. nicee! :D glad u are having fun! is it true that the toilets are strange in japan? haha butt wash or somethingg

  4. Nats: yep all in the name of education my friend :) Its been extremely hectic the first few days but I think Im starting to get the hang of living here though. Its great..really is. And yes we should talk again! umm Im usually around at like 7-8pm for u...nd usually back after class like after 11pm or so. You're best bet is probably 7-8. But im around :)

    J Chew: haha we did have sushi! Remember the blog of the Japanese men we met? They made fun of us but ended up buying us beer and paying for dinner! Also the sushi here is soo cheap! like a whole platter of sushi (fish+rice) maybe like 8-10 pieces can be found for as little as $5-6 nd no tax of course.

    Mervamp: um I havnt actually been to any public restrooms quite yet. But the one in my room has a switch that has 大 on one side and 小 on the other. yep each flushes at different intensities depending on what you need haha ;P

  5. When you go to china for the first time, you should prepare yourself for the public bathrooms-they might offend you :P. Glad you are having fun!!!

  6. The toilets are funny in japan. There's a button to push that basically washes your butt. :/
