Sunday, June 6, 2010

Excitement and Anxiety

First post! here we go.

Even as I write this post Im practically shaking with anticipation. So many things are running thru my head..did i pack to much? Did i pack to little? Should I have brought that? Is there something I'm forgetting? Ahhh! I'm trying to sleep really. Honestly Im writing this blog in an attempt to calm down a bit. haha

yep so my good friend chris got dropped off at around 9pm earlier tonight. I looked at his packed bags and knew that he was just as excited for tomorrow as I was. We spent the night leisurely watching some King of the Hill and concluded the night with some liquid courage and SNL: the Best of Will Ferrel. Good stuff there. haha

Well I'll keep this short. I think tiger is trying to tell me to sleep. He keeps sitting right in front of the screen. He's probably right tho. Its gonna be a long day. I am traveling to a new country a new place nd bound for exciting experiences...I am also traveling into the future!

See you all on the other side :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a nice way to spend the night... King of the Hill is always a good choice. :)
